JOANAH OGUNRANTI (1924-2007): history and theology of a legend
Afrancet Publications
Afrancet Publications P.O. Box 9082 University of Ibadan Post Office Ibadan, Nigeria.
ISBN 978-2756-00-8
Printed by TIMSHOW, Ibadan.
The author wishes to thank Pastor Emmanuel Okekanmi for assistance in proof reading the manuscript before it went to the press. Also he wishes to thank Dr Stephen Mador for his numerous help during the course of writing this book.
It was difficult to write this book and compile it within the period of Joanahs death on 6 March 2007 to 12 April 2007 at her internment when the book is supposed to be unveiled but God has been faithful. The idea is to chronicle events in the life of Joanah Ogunranti for inspiration of Christians of like mind and theology. I accept responsibility for every thing in this book and the views held or expressed here are entirely mine and not that of the church or indeed Bethel.
But the book has multiple purpose. To educate the reader as to some vital scientific information that might be useful in day to day life; some of which relate to our theology. Examples include how to select the sex of your baby before it is born and how to find out your own temperament. It is also supposed to present, a synthesis of irenic theology gently, which will not emphasize our polemic that is our bane in evangelicalism, but our agreements. This book should not be seen as preaching pentecostalism or indeed CACism, but to highlight good and bad in all systems of doing theology and provide rooms for improvement in view of the kerygma. I studied theology in a non pentecostal seminary and hence have very serious respect for non Pentecostal evangelicalism as I have for pentecostalism. As a matter of fact, I used to tell my colleagues while at the seminary that I admire them, for some of us just like Thomas- without seeing miracles, we do not believe. For you to believe the entire Bible without the Holy Spirit signs and wonders is highly admirable and not condemnable. What is wrong is to insist there must be no miracle since you do not believe. You must also be able to tolerate others who believe if you do not believe.
Finally I am a scientist. I apologize for having so much science in this book but I am of the mind that unless science is injected into theology, that subject will continue to be similar to African traditional medicine (or indeed medieval alchemy), which administers anything to sick people without validity or veracity. You must show evidence that what you are administering is true and healthy and not poison. It is not just enough to say it works! I hold a strong view in theology. Only the babes whom Jesus made reference to, can interpret the Bible well, not scholars (Lk 10:21). Scholars only learn from them and use them as their tools for scholarship. Finally, as in science, you must have all data relevant to a particular subject matter before you make conclusion. This is the only way forward in theology and if the scientific method is followed, theology will see unity and not diversity as is encouraged in philosophy. For in science there can be only one truth.
Oluwole Ogunranti Jos, 4 April 2007 CONTENTS
1. Joanah .1 2 Joanahs History of Church planting . 40 3 Christ Apostolic Church Theology .. .74. 4 Revelatory Theology 119 5 CAC Bethel Theology .. ..132. 6 Some Church doctrines espoused (Providence, Predestination and Arminianism) 139 7 Joanahs Writings .. ..224 8 Joanahs Letters .. .331 9 Joanahs Letters to Persons in Government .. 343 10 Joanahs Bethel Programmes ...352 11 Joanahs Radio Broadcasts ...362 12 Joanahs Theology ...370 13 Joanahs Death . .383 14 Testimonies and Tributes . .403 15 Ecclesiology, CAC Government and Schism ... 413 16 Whither Bethel?................................................................................................464 17 Professor AMA Imevbore .470 18 Eschatology . ..476